February 2021 Newsletter

February 25, 2021

Verify Access Anywhere, Anytime The physical and digital world are becoming more interchangeable and Identiv verifies access by the right people to the right environment at the right time.
Anywhere Operations: Woman sitting on floor of her home working on laptop

Top Trend for 2021: Anywhere Operations

The “anywhere operations” model does more than empower work-from-home, remote user support, and virtual product deployment. It offers exceptional new value across areas like collaboration and productivity while securing remote access, improving automation, and applying best practices to cloud and edge infrastructure. Read Article › // Get Started with Freedom Cloud › MintID + Identiv Case Study: IoT-connected uTrust Auth used for gold and silver bullion

Case Study: Physical Investment + Digital Identity

MintID launched the world’s first NFC-protected, IoT-connected gold and silver bullion. Utilizing Identiv’s tamper-proof NFC tags, the company created an end-to-end product authentication ecosystem that stops counterfeiting, protects consumer confidence, and creates a new secure resale market. Download Case Study › // Connect with Identiv's NFC Experts › The World's Most Secure Buildings: Cheyenne Mountain Complex

The World’s Most Secure Buildings: Cheyenne Mountain Complex

In a new blog series, Identiv takes you on a virtual trip around the world, exploring facilities with the most stringent security requirements. We will travel beneath 2,000 feet of granite to Colorado’s Cheyenne Mountain Complex, to the Vatican Secret Archives established by Pope Paul V in 1612, and eventually to the White House.  Read Blog › // Upgrade Your Facility’s Security › Identiv in the Wild

In the Wild

Identiv continues to make headlines and contribute to the shifting security conversation.