Packaging Europe: Wiliot Announces Product with Identiv Technology
May 27, 2022

The following is an excerpt from the
original article syndicated via Packaging Europe.

Wiliot has announced the expansion of its product portfolio with the introduction of a Battery-Assisted IoT Pixel, developed in partnership with smart tag manufacturer Identiv, also an AIPIA member. The new Pixel joins the company’s Battery-Free version to address specific IoT applications that are best served by battery power.
This introduction marks a rapid innovation cycle for Wiliot, following the company’s March 2022 launch of its Version 2 Battery-Free IoT Pixel, it says. The Battery-Assisted IoT Pixel uses the same chip as the Battery-Free version, but it augments it with a tiny printed battery. The tags are smaller than a business card and broadcast the same standard Bluetooth beacon.
The new tag reduces the cost of bringing Bluetooth standards-based continuous connectivity and intelligence to things by 10X, whereas the battery-free product cuts the cost of Bluetooth standard integration by 100, claims Wiliot.